It's official. The Crow Series now has a beginning, a middle and an end.
If you've been following me on social media at all lately you'll likely be aware of the massive wave of inspiration that hit me last weekend, resulting in me writing 15 hours a day for a week straight. I poured out about four to five chapters a day, writing like a woman possessed.
More like deranged, but that's just the way it goes.
I wrote the very last chapter of Redeem last night. There's nothing left. It's done.
I'm both melancholy and elated. I feel like I'm losing friends I've grown to love over the past four years, never to see them again (unless I decide one day to write a spin-off series. I have ideas but not settled on doing it yet).
Everything just fell neatly into place. This makes me overjoyed and excited as well.
So I'm sort of floating in this sad-happy place right now, trying to figure out what the hell to do. Writing Redeem hadn't been on my agenda for a while and it busted my schedule wide open.
I literally don't know what the fuck to do with myself right now. I know diving back into editing Curse now that the story is complete would be the wisest choice. I'm going to attempt it tomorrow and see if it comes easier now. We'll see...
In the meantime, I have this song stuck in my head:
(I chose the video without the girl dancing in her underwear... because I'm behaving myself today.)
So, basically I have nothing else to say. I'm going to go try and figure out how to get this song out of my head and keep myself busy.
Thanks for reading.

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