Unfortunately, as soon as school starts, my kids bring home every cold, flu and virus. My frantic momentum this past month has slowed while I recuperate, but I anticipate diving back into editing in the next few days when I'm feeling better.
In the meantime, I thought I'd share a little something I've been working on for fun while my brain recharges for the next round of edits on Curse. If you're already a fan of The Crow Series, you may get a kick out of this.
I present to you: The first time Silas and Denora meet from Book One, told from Silas' point of view!
I wasn’t sure if I could trust myself around her. The strange way I felt every time I thought of that smile made me wary and uneasy. But what choice did I have?
I had to tell her about her brothers. We’d figure it out from there.
Her brothers seemed to trust me at least. I peered up at Julian who had taken the lead, following in long strides up the sidewalk. I was certain he was leading me to his sister, peering at me over his shoulder every block or so to make sure I was keeping up.
They stopped outside the somber facade of a funeral home.
Perhaps she’d been unhappy for a reason?
The thought of her in mourning sent a sharp pain through my chest, and I quickly pushed it aside.
No more of this nonsense. I have a job to do…
The door swung open and she was suddenly there, a young man with ridiculously blue hair shuffling out drunkenly beside her with his arms wrapped over her shoulder for support. I clenched my jaw at the familiar way she touched him, helping him light his cigarette before hailing him a cab.
Probably her boyfriend.
I turned towards the birds where they’d perched over the entryway to the funeral home just as one of them let out a loud screech.
Denora spun around, her eyes wild and ready for a fight.
God, she was beautiful like that!
“What the fuck is with these birds?” She said, flicking her cigarette at them. Her brothers cawed and flapped away.
Now was my chance.
She was all alone.
I swallowed down the feeling of nervous jitters and strolled up behind her into the light.
“Strange creatures.” I said. It was the first thing that came to mind, and I instantly felt the fool.
She spun around, that same fire glinting in her eyes, and then they widened sharply over my face. Considering I’d now twice made an idiot of myself in front of her I was somewhat hoping she wouldn’t recognize me.
“Small world, Mister Green Eyes.” She said, a small smile curling over her supple lips, “You’d better not be following me.”
I laughed to kill the tension building the longer she looked at me, like she was appraising my being to her high standards. Was I worthy of even a moment of her attention?
“Small world, indeed.” I managed to respond, “Mister Green Eyes. I like that.” I’d only met her a moment and she’d already given me a nickname. She was certainly interesting.
I was growing intrigued.
“My name is Silas.” I said, extending my hand. It was simple and to the point - fairly easy as far as introductions go. Hopefully the rest went as smoothly…
Her hand slid into mine, small and warm, and she shook it firmly, “Denora.”
The moment she touched me my heart began to race.
“It’s a pleasure.” I said, trying my best not to let her influence show.
Great, that went well. Now the hard part…
“Denora, do you think we could—”
The door to the funeral home banged open and a young woman with bright blond hair peeked out, her eyes widening as she spotted us together.
“There you are!” The young woman chirped excitedly.
I sighed as I felt Denora’s hand slowly pull from my grasp and she turned towards the door.
“It was nice meeting you.” She said over her shoulder as she headed away, “See you around, I guess.”
The moment she was gone I started to pace up and down over the sidewalk. Her brothers cawed at me insistently.
“Yes, I know. I’m trying.” I snapped, staring at my feet as they crossed back and forth over the pavement.
She must have cast a spell upon me. How else could she be affecting me this way?
Yet, by all accounts Denora had no knowledge of her abilities. She didn’t even know they existed - so how was she doing this?
My foot paused mid-step and I turned in the opposite direction before leaning back on the hood of a parked car with a perfect view of the doorway.
I’d wait for her.
Even if I wasn’t bound to her by the curse on her brothers, it was a mystery I needed to understand. I barely had control over my own body, my heart was the one thing I did control… or so I’d thought.
What do you think? I've written a few more scenes from Silas' point of view. If you'd like me to post more of them let me know.
Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading!

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