Hello Friends and Lovely Readers!
It's that time again (and this time I'm posting on the correct day - Go me!)
For this week's Tuesday Tease I chose a scene that sheds light on what Curse is all about - Fiona's secrets from her journal. I won't spoil it by saying HOW exactly Denora comes by these visions of her mother's life but to make it a little easier to wrap your head around, just think of it for now like her journey in Book One with the Spirit Potion.
Without further ado, here is this week's sneak peek...
Curse - The Crow Series Book Four:
The vision faded and was immediately replaced by another.In other news, despite some set backs with my formatting, the Patreon campaign is almost ready to go live. Patreon's site apparently has limited html capabilities and I spent all day yesterday trying to arrange my images in a pleasing manner only to have my formatting stripped out time and again.
A sudden crush of overwhelming sensations washed over me. The shrill circling yowl of the sirens, the flashing lights, bodies in uniform hovering over her… and the air was filled with this strange tension, a bitter sadness that was palpable and raw.
My mother was even smaller than the previous memory. Sitting in the back of a police car, her small arms wrapped hard around her chest and her short knobby legs kicked aimlessly over the edge of the backseat. They’d wrapped a thick woolen blanket around her and set her off to the side, tears burning in her light blue eyes as she gazed out through the open car door into the mangled metal shape that had once been her parents’ SUV.
Someone crouched down in front of her and gentle fingers curled up under the young girl’s chin, lifting her eyes to meet the soft brown of Henriette’s. My Great Aunt’s thick mascara was already running rivers down her plump round cheeks and her face was worn with worry and fatigue.
“Are they still here?” She asked softly.
My mother nodded, pointing to the ambulance in the distance. Henriette’s shoulders stiffened and she took a deep breath.
“I’ll be right back, dear. Wait for me here.”
We both stared at her petite black heels and the dark line in her stockings that ran straight up the back of her legs as she crossed over the pavement.
Fiona’s shoulders shook.
“Mommy…” She whimpered.
Her feet were suddenly pounding over the asphalt towards the mangled car, her heart pumping so hard it made us both dizzy.
Henriette was leaning over the stretcher just outside the back of the ambulance, her fingers clasped around her sister’s bloodied hand. They were talking quietly, Henriette’s head bent low so they could whisper into each other’s ears without being overheard.
Fiona skidded to a halt, her eyes wide with horror as we witnessed her aunt stagger in surprise and suddenly rock back, almost collapsing. My grandmother’s hands had fixed firmly to either side of her temple and Henriette shuddered as her sister suddenly released and fell back limp, her hands dangling lifeless over the sides of the stretcher.
“I don’t wanna think about it. Aunt Henriette is my Matriarch now. Aunt Henriette is my mother…”
*shrug* I guess my page won't look as pretty as I'd like, but oh well. I'm still excited.
I have to add some more Patron-exclusive content to the page, but otherwise it's ready to go. I'll be making it available either this Friday or Saturday, depending on how well I can control my anxious fingers from posting - 'cause you guys already know how hard a time I have with being patient.
Thanks for reading!

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