Teaser Tuesday!
With the Patreon officially up and running, I'm now busily back to work editing and getting Curse ready for publication. I still don't have it together enough for a set release date but we're getting there.
This week, I'm offering a snippet between Denora and Graham who has been begrudgingly helping Denora hide out from the rest of the crew.
Without further ado, here is this week's sneak peek...
Curse - The Crow Series Book Four:
Graham didn’t seem to notice. He circled around the plywood table and headed into the kitchen without looking back. I could hear the fridge door open and then slam shut a moment later. When Graham returned, he had a cold beer in his fist.In other news, I'm gearing up to start posting advanced chapters of my new book / series Songbird of Souls to Patreon subscribers by the end of August. I know I haven't delved too much into the new story, as I've been trying to focus on wrapping up The Crow Series, but I felt rather than offering Patreon subscribers sections of Curse or Redeem, when they may not yet be caught up on the first three books, it would be better to offer something new from the beginning.
“How’s Henriette?” I asked casually, dropping down onto the edge of the bed as I began kicking off my boots to get comfortable.
“Why don’t you call and ask her?”
“Because she’s just going to yell at me the whole time.”
His lip twitched, a shadow of an amused grin appearing and disappearing like a dream.
“She’s very weak, but she’s still got a fiery temper. I’d say she’s on the mend.”
I twined my fingers around the dangling purple patch of hair over my eye and gave a soft tug, “And Silas?”
“Still running all over the city looking for you.” He narrowed his eyes dangerously, “You know he’s going to kill me when he finds out I’ve been hiding you - and he will find you sooner or later - haircut or not.”
I clenched my jaw, trying to keep a cool head, “Just remember why you agreed to help me. You want Conner and Silas out of Leena’s line of fire just as much as I do. It’s me she’s aiming for.”
He raised the rim of the bottle up to his lip and fix me with a skeptical look.
“And you’re gonna do what? Kick her ass with your little boots?”
“Believe it or not, I’ve got some aces up my sleeve.” I said defiantly.
“I’ll believe that when I see it.” He grunted, taking a long chug.
“Why should I show you anything? Don’t think I forgot - you’ve tried to kill me.”
Graham narrowed his eyes even further, until they were barely glimmering slits in his shadowy face, his hand slowly pulling the bottle away from his mouth as he spoke, “And don’t think I’ve forgotten why I didn’t. I don’t know how you got those two wrapped so tightly around your little finger, but I swear, if you fuck this up, I’ll break it and every other bone in your body.”
Every subscriber, even at the $1 a month level, will get access to these advanced chapters. Right now my intention is to post a new chapter every two weeks, but if we reach the $100 a month milestone I'll bump it up to every week, on top of the other goodies I'll be posting for subscribers throughout the month.

If you'd like to help out but can't commit to the monthly donation, please help spread the word about what I'm doing.Word of mouth is an author's best friend (which us why reviews are so damn important!)
Still have questions about Patreon? Shoot me a message or comment down below and I'll do my best to answer any concerns you may have.
Thanks for reading!

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