Sunday, June 15, 2014

Crow Excerpts Poll

I've added a few excerpts from Crow but I'm looking for suggestions for additional excerpts to add. If you've read the book, or even if you've been keeping up with the updates on Wattpad, I'm looking for your favorite scenes! I'd prefer scenes without spoilers. These are the current options, but if you have a favorite scene you think would make an excellent excerpt for the website that isn't on the list, let me know in the comments!

Possible Excerpts:

(In no particular order).

- Denora takes the purification potion.

- Denora and Soda's moment of weakness (kissing scene).

- Denora meets Veruca (the talking rat).

- Denora visits the Familiar Shop.

- Denora and Silas in the Enchanted Apothecary.

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