Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Everyn does the Tuesday Tease

Teaser Tuesday!

Well, I've been promising you guys some sneak peeks at the third Crow book, so I've decided from now until the book is released I'll start doing some Teaser Tuesdays. I'll be announcing the publication date soon and hope to also have the cover finished so we can do a cover reveal in the next few weeks. The major edits are finally complete (about time, right?) so now it's just a matter of putting the finishing touches on Release and getting it into your eager hands.

On with the teaser!

Release - The Crow Series Book Three:


“Zombie-root?” I finally said. “That’s pretty lame. I don’t remember you trying to gnaw my face off on the way over here.”
“Where do you think the original notion of a zombie came from? The root was used as a form of enslavement - the powder, once ingested, makes the person emotionally numb, easy to control and they don’t remember a thing. If used continuously, it is highly addictive and it can even have those same effects after death - basically creating a mindless, co-operative shambling husk for you to control.”
“No brain-eating then?”
“Only if he’s told to do so.”

I'm going to stop here and emphasis that this is NOT a zombie book. The root mentioned just happens to be a dangerous drug that Denora encounters over the course of the story.

Hope you enjoyed this little snippet. I'll be posting more next week so stay tuned!

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