I've been gone from the blog for quite awhile, but I assure you I've been VERY busy. I'm not going to get into details, except to say I've got a lot of work in the steampipe, just nothing ready to release (yet!)
The third book in The Crow Series is finished and in the editing stages. I don't have an e.t.a. yet for its release, as I'm also splitting my time with a bit of a sideproject at the moment, but I hope to get it out to you in the next two months *crosses fingers*
Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of Crow's initial release. I can't believe it has been a year already! Though sales have been slow and there have been quite a few bumps along the way, I feel like I have learned a lot and continue learning and trying new things everyday.
To celebrate the anniversary of the series' beginning, the second book in the series, Shift, will be free in ebook form through Amazon from today until Sunday May 31st. If you've read the first book and have been waiting for a good time to pick up the second, this just might be your lucky day! :D
And please remember - if you read it, please consider leaving a review! Reviews help author's more than you can imagine and despite being read, Shift is still fairly review-deficient :(
With that, I'll say I hope you're all having a fabulous week and stay out of that heat!
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