I'd like to wish everyone reading a Happy Easter. I'm getting ready to dye some eggs with my little munchkins and stuff my face with a Cadbury Egg, but first, I wanted to update you all on the progress of Crow Book 1.
My printer is still being a stubborn asshole, so I printed out the first draft of Crow from work on Thursday and have started marking edits on my train commute. The book is a whole lot longer than I had expected - coming out at 195 pages printed. I spent most of Wednesday last week setting up my schedule for the next six weeks in order to get the book published on my deadline. Looking at it like that, the whole process felt overwhelming and very real - making it visually clear just how much I have to do and how little time I have to do it all. I immediately felt both apprehensive and excited.

All of the rush in the next two weeks is because I'm going to start posting chapters to Wattpad prior to the book being published in the hopes to gain some readers beforehand. I'll only be posting the first book in the series to Wattpad, but it means you'll be be able to start reading the book a few weeks before it gets officially published (though you should still buy a copy when it comes out *wink wink nudge nudge*)
When edits are finished, I'll be knee-deep in formatting for the various platforms it will get published in - including print. I'm going to try and have the print run come out the same time as the ebook, but it means a lot of extra work. I'm going to try, but I'm not going to promise anything. I also need to finish setting up the Crow Series website so that I can start posting excerpts and extra info about the books for all of you... trying to get you guys as excited about it as I am!
Well, I have a mountain of work to get started on - if anyone needs me, I'll be shackled to my laptop for the next few weeks.
Until next time,
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