“You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.” – Saul Bellow
I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night. There are about a dozen reasons for this, but the biggest one would be the inability to make my brain STFU! I got out of bed four times to jot down ideas that were buzzing around my head: some for the websites, one for a play (not sure what that was about, since I don't even write plays), and the other stuff had to do with my main character in my fantasy series, tentatively titled "The Firechild Series" (I've always called it that, even before I Googled and determined someone already had a novel with that title. GRrrrrrrRRRrrrrr!)
I've thoroughly committed myself to this mission of tackling one of my novels; bribing my muse into submission, and getting my re-writing and editing completed on at least one of these long-standing projects by a year from now - but which novel? I had originally planned to work on my novel "Lusus Naturae", which involves incubus-type creatures who have the uncanny (and unfortunate, in my protagonist's case) ability to absorb, not just the memories of a person through physical contact, but also their being (or soul, if you will. That which makes them unique).
Do I start from scratch with a new story? I have a bunch of ideas waiting in the wings... but I suppose that would be too impetuous. I really need to finish these novels and see them to their final destination so that I can move on. I've been working on them for so terribly long that I fear I may be avoiding finishing - I suppose maybe I'd miss them too much.
There's nothing quite like your first.

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