Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Adventures In Insomnia - Introducing....

My first "Official" post here on my new and shiny Author blog!

I've been working on getting this site, as well as The Red Handed Writer page, set up for the past few weeks... been posting all the beginning content and making adjustments since 5am (when my toddler decided she wanted to wake up. Some birthday, eh?)

But it is just that: My Birthday. 
The big (or not so big) THREE ZERO. The "Dirty Thirty", as my friends keep referring to it as. Feels just like every other day... except that I'm trying to get this project in motion and am more exhausted than anything else.

If you're wondering why it's called "Adventures in Insomnia" - let's just say I don't get a lot of sleep. There will be a lot of posting at the ass-crack of dawn, so do be warned :D

Been writing and uploading and tweaking backgrounds and creating images until my brain started to feel like mush, so I'm going to step away here and leave you with a little music.

Since it would have his birthday as well (*had he still been alive*), I figured I'd share a little Kurt Cobain with all of you:

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