There were Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the space. The walls were perfectly white, the hardwood floors shiny and unscuffed. Everything looked brand new. Near empty bottles of liquor and beer occupied every table and counter space and I could tell the party had been going on for a while before we arrived. I had never been to a house party with so many people - it was like being in a club, only more casual and without the bouncers. Ru tugged on the sleeve of my jacket, leading me towards the center of the room where a group of people were gathered, laughing and talking loudly. In the middle was a young guy in his early twenties. He had short blond hair that hung over his eyes and when he saw us, he smiled widely, his cheeks blossoming with two perfect dimples. His soft brown eyes were the color of sand, and they swept over me in a way that made my cheeks warm.
Ru pushed her way through the crowd, climbing up on her tip-toes to plant a kiss on his cheek.
“Great party, Conner! Happy Birthday!”
He beamed cheerfully at her. I was immediately struck by the beauty of his smile.
“Thanks, Ru! Glad you could make it.” He said, his words carrying the hint of an Irish accent.
Ru moved to the side, pushing me towards him.
“This is my best friend, Denora. It’s her birthday too.”
Best friend?
I hadn’t realized she and I had moved in to bestie territory. I smiled, feeling the groups’ eyes focus on me. Conner reached out his hand to take mine. His skin was warm as he wrapped his fingers around my hand.
“Pleased to meet you. Help yourself to whatever you want.”
I felt bodies shift to my left as Soda came to stand behind me. Conner released my hand and Soda’s quickly replaced it. He shook the other man’s hand hard.
“I’m Soda… Denora’s friend.”
“Any friends of Ru’s are friends of mine. Welcome.”
I could feel Conner’s eyes fix on me again. My stomach started to flutter and I smiled back, feeling strange at all the attention. Ru looped her arm through Soda’s elbow, leading him away.
“Denora, I’m going to go show Soda around.” She left us with a knowing wink and I found myself standing in front of Conner, feeling awkward and unsure of what to do.
The group of people around us seemed to dissipate as Conner moved in closer. With each step he took towards me, I felt my stomach churn with acrobatic flips.
“All right, Birthday-Buddy, why don’t I get you a drink?” His smile broadened and my churning insides moved down into a weakness in my knees.
It took me a moment to get my mouth to work properly, “Sure.”
Conner lead me through the loft and into the small space off to the side that had been made into a kitchen.
“What’ll it be?”
“You have any beer?” I asked, hopeful.
“Of course.” He pulled open the large stainless steel fridge and shifted the contents around until he pulled out two long-necked bottles. It was imported - not the cheap stuff Soda and I usually drank.
“Gotta love a woman who can handle a good beer.” He popped the tops off with the bottle opener on his key-chain and handed one to me.
“Is this your place?” I asked, taking a small sip. I leaned back, resting casually against the counter-top.
“Mine and my brother’s. Well, mostly his. He pays all the bills.” He laughed, his face lighting up.
His comment about his brother immediately reminded me of Julian and I heaved a sigh. Birthdays were hard enough, but I was missing my brothers more and more. Turning eighteen, I was certain Julian would have planned something special for me, had he been himself.
“You all right?” His eyebrows pulled down over his eyes, looking genuinely concerned.
Is this guy for real? He’s too good to be true.
I forced a smile, putting the mouth of the bottle back up against my lips to obscure it.
“Yeah. Just had a long day.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off as the two pink-clad girls from outside dived into the kitchen, knocking into me. My beer sloshed over the side of the bottle and I held it at arm’s length to keep it from spilling onto my clothes.
“Sorry!” Misha squealed. Karla had already slid up to Conner, batting her long fake eyelashes.
“There you are, you sexy-beast! Do you think we can change the music? Misha and I need to dance.”
Conner laughed, nodding.
“Excuse me, Denora, it seems we have a music emergency.”
With that, the three shuffled out of the room, leaving me alone with my beer. I tore a few sheets of paper-towel off the roll sitting on the counter and dried off the bottle and my hands, taking my time before leaving the kitchen.
In the main room, the furniture had been pushed up against the walls to create a space for dancing. Misha and Karla were already swaying and laughing in the center. I spotted Conner by the entertainment system, pressing buttons on the stereo just as Misha grabbed him by the arm, pulling him between her and her sister. As the music began to bump and thrum from the speakers, Karla ran her hands up and down Conner’s broad chest. Misha was gyrating to the beat, pressing her body against his in a way that was anything but subtle.
I turned away, feeling slightly sick to my stomach. Soda and Ru were sitting on one of the couches in the corner. He was whispering into her ear and she was laughing, her cheeks a shade of red that almost matched her lipstick.
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