His expression changed from melancholy to seductive - as if he’d been asleep inside and now suddenly was awake. His pupils widened over my face, devouring the sight of me like a hungry animal about to pounce.
Damn, he’s so ridiculously hot.
A wicked grin formed over his lips as if my thoughts were written all over my face. My heart was racing with anticipation, the daring glint in his eye making promises my body eagerly responded to. Silas’ grip on my sweater tightened, pressing me urgently into his chest, and my mind clouded with lust. His intoxicating scent swirled around me, the warmth of his body against mine making me dizzy.
I wasn’t used to Silas being so blatant with his physical desires - I was usually the one who pushed things too far, and he was usually the paragon of restraint. I slowly exhaled, my mind reeling as the car filled with light from the station.
We settled to a stop, and I forced myself to look away from the fire burning in his eyes, focusing on the passengers passing in and out of the train doors. I was still keenly aware of the warmth radiating up from his body below me, my cheeks flushing hot as I felt his eyes caress my profile. It was so hard to resist the temptation to just allow myself to be swept away by his passionate need for me.
I wanted him - but this wasn’t the time or place.
A man with an over-sized suitcase stepped into the train-car beside us, wheeling his burden behind him. He panned his exhausted gaze up and down the empty rows of blue plastic seating, his eyes widening as he reached Silas and I in our intimate position. One threatening look from Silas and the man quickened his steps down the length of the car, passing into the next one as the train slowly headed back into the tunnels.
“That wasn’t very nice.” I said, a small grin tugging at my lips.
Silas shrugged, his hands gentle over the rough canvas of my jeans where my legs still folded over his.
“You blame me for wanting to be alone with you for a little longer?”
I sighed, leaning back to peer into his face. There was something different about him, but I still couldn’t put my finger on it. He went from emotionless to consumed with passion on the drop of a dime.
Perhaps being stuck with Leena for so long had bottled him up inside - or maybe it was just the knowledge of how little time we had left before he had to go back to her.
His hands slid over the curve of my thighs, tucking up under my knees. All thoughts evaporated into the air between us and all I could see was the desperation in his eyes as he leaned his lips into mine. I closed my eyes, giving in to the adamant pressure of his mouth.
The silver and plastic world around me shifted. Nothing existed but the warmth of his skin and the sweetness of his lips as he rose to his feet, lifting me easily with his hands secure beneath my thighs. My fingers twined in his hair, pulling myself hard into his body as the train rocked to a stop, the lights flickering overhead.
“We are experiencing delays ahead of us. The train will be moving shortly. Thank you for your patience.”
Silas pressed me up against the train doors. His fingers dug urgently into the back of my legs as his kisses dropped over the curve of my chin, trailing down my throat towards the dip in my collarbone. Each touch of his lips sent hot waves of pleasure through me - my mind lost in delirious desire.
I rolled my head back into the glass panes, my hair like a black and white web over my shoulders as his lips warmed the exposed skin of my throat. A resonating growl vibrated through the fabric of my shirt from deep within Silas’ chest. The sound was primal, dangerous and raw. It sent a shiver of excitement through my body and I had to push myself away before it devoured me completely.
“We need to stop.” I breathed it out before I changed my mind, wrapping my hands around his fingers to ease his grip on my thighs. His hands slid away, allowing me to drop my boots back down onto the sticky train floor. The way his eyes fixed to mine, smoldering with unspoken need, threatened to pull me back under. “Silas—”
The train shuddered back into motion before I could finish, its sudden movement knocking him into me, pinning me firmly against the sliding doors. All the air rushed from my lungs as I felt his lips crash into mine.
Everything was spinning - the flickering fluorescent lights, the rumble of the train as it sped down the tunnel. I was lost in the surge of his burning kisses, my body responding to each touch and caress with equal ferocity.
Deep inside, my brain was trying desperately to tear me out of my lustful daze, reminding me we’d be pulling into the next station soon.
“We need to stop.” I whispered into his mouth. He growled playfully in response, pulling me closer. I bit down hard on my lip, forcing myself to heed my own words, “Silas, I’m serious.”
“I’m just not ready to let you go.” He murmured, blinking slowly, “I feel like I get little tastes of you and it’s never enough.” His chest heaved, and he leaned forward, pressing our foreheads together and closing his eyes. “Being with you makes me feel more alive than I’ve felt in a very long time. I don’t want to go back…”
He took several slow breaths, his body relaxing before he opened his eyes.
I wanted to kiss him again. The urge was so strong I had to look away to keep myself from throwing my arms around his neck and smothering his gorgeous face with my lips again.
“I should get off at the next stop and walk the rest of the way.” He said, slowly prying his hands away from my body with a pained expression. He took a determined step back, putting an arms distance between us before lifting his gaze to meet mine. Heavy-lidded green eyes peered at me regretfully from under his eyebrows as the train-car slowed, filling with light as we pulled into the station. The doors opened and Silas took one more step back, a stubborn set to his jaw. Before I could say a word he disappeared like a blur into the commotion of bodies on the platform.
I sat back down in the seat beside the window, staring in a daze at the people on the other side. The car around me bustled to life with bodies and noise, the rush-hour crowd filling every open inch of space until the platform was clear. The doors slid closed just as a set of brilliant green eyes caught my attention from the now empty train station.
His lips spread into a slow smile as he mouthed the words, “Smile, Beautiful. I’ll see you soon.”
I clung to the fading vision of his face as the train pulled away.
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