Climbing the stairs out of the train station, the cool, crisp autumn air felt refreshing. I filled my lungs over and over, enjoying the feel of it on my face after so long in the stagnant underground. Within moments my phone started chirping.
Five missed calls - all from Soda.
There hadn’t been any cell phone reception below ground.
When we reached my block, I noticed that the pizzeria had already closed. All the lights on the block were out, except the streetlamps that lined the sidewalk.
It must have been later than I had thought.
Sitting on the fire escape above the doorway - the crows watched us approach. They had been waiting for us.
“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been calling you for hours!”
I felt like my heart jumped up into my mouth. Soda sat on the single step outside my door, his black hoodie damp and pulled up over his head. He looked like he had been sitting there awhile. Silas touched my hand softly.
“I’ll leave you two alone, now that I know you’re home safely.” Before I could respond, he had turned and bolted down the street in the opposite direction. In mere seconds, he was lost from view - leaving me standing alone on my doorstep with my pissed off friend.
“After all the shit that’s happened lately and you pull a fucking vanishing act like that? With that guy?”
“Chill out, Mike. Since when are you my keeper?” I fumbled around in my pocket and fished out my keys. As annoyed as I sounded, deep inside I was glad to see him.
“You left with that weird guy and then don’t answer your phone all day. I got worried.” His voice took on that soft tone he had had when talking about Marisol and I instantly felt terrible for scaring him - especially after we lost Mari so suddenly. “Did you find your brothers?”
“Sort of.” I peered up towards the fire escape above our heads. The biggest crow ruffled it’s wings, shaking off the rain. It was starting to drizzle again. I pushed the key into the lock and swung the door open. Soda just stood there, expectantly. “They aren’t up there, if that’s what you’re worried about.” I smiled, hoping he’d take the offer and forgive me.
“Me? Worry?” He started to laugh - the sound made me feel instantly at ease. For the first time all day, I let myself relax.
“Come on. You’re gonna get drenched out here.”
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