Friday, January 2, 2015

New year - New plans (2015)

A new year is upon us and I'm incredibly excited about 2015.

Like many, at the dawning of a new year, I spent some time reflecting on the year before - the successes and failures and what I want to do better in the future. I had some hang-ups in 2014 - mainly my computer breaking at the worst possible time, followed by some difficult personal issues that left me depressed and the stupid frustration of having no internet just as I was trying to get myself back in order. However, this year has primarily been a year of triumphs for me. I published my first book, Crow, and then my second, Shift, which though they haven't found a huge audience (yet) have both been received positively. I still have a lot to learn about this publishing business and things change frequently and quickly. On the other hand, I've accomplished something I've wanted for most of my life and that is something to be celebrated.

With that in mind, I've actually spent more time developing my plans for the new year than I have reflecting on the past. There are loads of new things I want to try, and I want to get back on a regular blogging schedule, since the issues that arose this past Fall threw me off my rhythm. I've already started working on a new book, which I'll talk about later, and I intend to finish up the other two books in The Crow Series, as well as finish the Halloween surprise I had wanted to unveil in 2014 and couldn't because I had no computer. I really haven't done too much in the way of marketing, so I'm going to try and contact more book bloggers, and have a few more events / giveaways. I'm also thinking about finally starting to post snippets of my works in progress, calling it "Sneak Peek Sundays".

For an independent author, there is always a ton of work to do - not just writing, but editing, crafting enticing blurbs, book covers, formatting books for different formats (did I mention I want to try making audiobooks this year? Yeah, just one more thing on my list!) Then there's marketing - blogging regularly, contacting book bloggers, connecting with readers (or potential readers) through the million different social media sites, hosting giveaways, book signings (which I haven't done very many yet), hosting events, author interviews, guest posting.... the lists are endless and time consuming, but I'm tackling it bit by bit. I can only hope my efforts prove fruitful, and eventually my books will find their audience.


That's my goal for 2015 - write more books and work harder at finding an audience for my work.

Hope you all had a wonderful New Year and the best things in the year to come.

What are your hopes and goals for 2015? Feel free to share in the comments :)

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