It is I, the author commonly known as Everyn, here to assure you that I have not died and I am not in hiding... well, at least not in the real world.
I've been taking an extended break from all things internet-related while I try to refocus and recharge. Believe it or not, I have been incredibly busy lately (and feeling mostly better, thank you for asking). I have so many projects in the works I've actually been feeling overwhelmed, and as time slips by I become more frantic about how much I have left to finish and how little time I feel like I have to do it all.
This writing and publishing thing is a lot of fucking work. It's worth it, but don't expect it to be easy and quick.
But none of that is really important today, because I can't tell you about what I'm doing without adding the stress of "they're expecting it now, I need to work faster" to the heap that's weighing me down.
Deadlines are not my friend right now, so I'm avoiding them like the black plague. I'm just going to say that and move on.
Outside of my writing, there is something else in my life that is really exciting...
My daughter is learning how to read.
Not just read, but to enjoy reading. Helping nourish that enjoyment, and watching her find that love of words that has driven me my whole life is just awe inspiring. For me it's been like holding my newborn child for the first time - that kind of "WOW this is amazing" moment. I don't know how else to explain it.
So for now, I'm reveling in this new marvel, and gearing up for all the work that lies ahead.
Hopefully I'll be back soon with more news and possibly one of those dreaded deadlines.... errr, I mean release dates.
Thanks for reading!